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Food is a human right for which


...and they need our help!

Join the Revolution.

Inside Greenhouse

Save Small Farms

Small farms have been systematically acquired by massive corporations for more than 70 years. 

In the last 20 years alone[source], every size of farm saw declines except the very largest which grew a whopping 48% and the very smallest size which barely increased by only 8% - less than the 24% population growth over the same period.


The trend is clear: family farms are disappearing and billion-dollar corporations have seized control of our agriculture.

Regulation Where It's Needed

Small farms struggle to keep up with an increasing amount of regulation and even mid-sized farms find the costs to stay compliant to be a major burden. Who benefits from this intentionally-flawed system? The very largest agriculture conglomerates, who have teams of lawyers, lobbyists, and accountants to ensure it stays in their advantage.

The federal government needs to step up to support small and mid-sized farms by:

  • breaking up all the large,  conglomerate-owned farms, farm suppliers, and farm technology vendors

  • legislating a prohibition of foreign-ownership of Canadian farms

  • setting an upper limit to the amount of land can be owned and operated for agriculture by a single person at one time to prevent future consolidation attempts

  • the creation of new programs to support the fledgling small farms to feed the rapidly-increased number of Canadians

To Farmers, not Bankers or Investors

To the workers, all they produce!

A rallying cry for farmers, who are tired of giving up their hard-earned harvests to bankers, investors, and equipment makers.

Investment in Farms and Farmers

If we stand any chance of feeding Canada's population and continuing to be a net exporter of food, we need to invest now and invest big. The Revolution Party of Canada would immediately legislate the investment of billions into modernizing equipment and infrastructure as well as training new and experienced farmers on the very latest technologies and techniques.

It will also be increasingly important to support our farmers through the uncertain conditions to come. We would establish new insurance and relief programs for farmers experiencing financial issues due to climate change, labour and consumer market conditions, and more. 

Food and water are the very basics of sustaining life and so we must sustain farmers and our water sources.

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