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How to Help by...

Contributions to the RPC are limited by our own party policy to a maximum of $100 per person, per year to eliminate influence by lobbyists, corporations, and the ultrawealthy.

By contrast, the legal annual limit for political contributions in 2024 is $1,725 [source]


How many ordinary people do you know that can afford to donate a month's rent to a politician every year?

1. Check Your Eligibility

Because it is critical to our party's objectives to spread power thinly and widely, the RPC must be extraordinarily strict about the sources and amounts of financial contribution.

To qualify to donate to the Revolution Party of Canada, contributors must:

  1. Be a Canadian citizen

  2. Be 18 years of age or older

  3. Personally support the values of the Manifesto of Human Needs

  4. Not be acting as an employee, subcontractor, or otherwise compensated representative of any organization or individual

  5. Acknowledge and abide by RPC's annual donation limit

2. Consider Alternatives

While money is a necessary evil, especially in our current capitalist society, we know we can achieve great things without deep pockets. Rather than a direct financial contribution - which is still important - we prefer you contribute in other ways, if you're able.

Instead of donating directly to our federal campaign, we instead prefer you:

  1. Vote

  2. Volunteer

  3. Become a Member

  4. Run for Federal Council

  5. Run for Office

  6. Donate to a Local Campaign (see below)

If you still want to toss a few bucks into our hat, the link to donate is at the bottom of this page.

3. Donate to a Local Candidate

Unlike the capitalist-funded political parties, the Revolution Party of Canada relies heavily on self-directed organization and grassroots funding to campaign. 

This is intentional, included in the RPC Constitution, and done for two main reasons:

  1. To limit influence by corporations and wealthy individuals

  2. To reduce internal influence of individuals within the RPC itself

Before donating to our federal party, we ask that our supporters first consider giving to their local candidate.

4. Donate to the Federal Party

Using every dollar donated directly to our cause, we promise to promote revolutionary socialist ideas, policies, and action.

Use your hard-earned dollars to fight back against capitalism, colonialism, and the patriarchy in Canada.

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