When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will

Make Them Pay Up
Unlike many of their global counterparts, Canadian billionaires tend to stay quiet about the undeserved, unsustainable wealth they are hoarding.
Join the Revolution.
The 20 wealthiest Canadians[1] [2] [3] [4] could fund a universal basic income program all by themselves.
Since they have not already done so out of the goodness of their hearts, we wanted to encourage the very greediest Canadians to share the wealth by shedding some light on them.
Name and Shame
Canadian Billionaires
Are we missing any names?
We encourage all Canadians to review the above list of greedy Canadian billionaires and visit the Hall of Shame for more details on each, including faces, sources of wealth, and contact details.
No more hiding from paying their fair share or from criminal accountability.

Tax the Rich
Our platform favours the poorest 99.9% of Canadians at the expense of the wealthiest 0.1%. In Canada, that would mean the biggest sacrifices by the richest 40,000 of our population of more than 41.5 million[source].
We ask the ultrawealthy to voluntarily return the hoard of money they unfairly amassed by exploiting generations of hardworking underpaid Canadians.
If the ultrawealthy refuse our plea for help, we will be forced to enact legislation to:
introduce two new personal federal income brackets, raising income taxes for Canadians earning more than $500,000 (40%) and $1,000,000 (51%) annually
create a new proportional estate tax on the ultrawealthy that doesn't impact the vast majority of inheritances (i.e., less than $5 million)
direct the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to focus their efforts on identifying people who hide vast wealth, rather than conducting random audits of ordinary Canadians
make fines and fees proportional to financial capability (e.g., a $400 speeding ticket is not an effective disincentive to the ultrawealthy - it's just the price they gladly pay for the privilege to drive faster than everyone else.)
enact strong new protections against personal wealth migration and corporate tax evasion
increase the higher corporate tax rate to 30%, while expanding the number of small businesses and worker-owned cooperatives that qualify for lower tax rates
eliminate the capital gains % exclusion[reference], increase the lifetime capital gains exemption (LCGE) to $5 million
prioritize tax programs and rebates at point of sale to remove barriers for low-cash families and individuals
Give to the Poor
The cost of living jumped way up during the pandemic creating tent cities and causing hardship for millions more. Previously unthinkable in our world-renowned socialist country, but this is just a preview of the impacts of climate change to come and the steep financial costs we'll be forced to pay as global supply chains are strained further and further...
The price of food. The cost of rent. The rate for heat. All costs of living will continue to dramatically rise along with the global temperature and sea levels.
With the money retaken from the ultrawealthy, we will:
Provide free, respectful food for every Canadian who needs it
Provide safe, reliable water for every Canadian
Provide safe, reliable housing (including heating and power) for every Canadian who needs it
Legislate universal pharmacare, dental care, vision care, and mental healthcare for every Canadian
Provide a universal basic income for every Canadian
Make education free at all levels for every Canadian
Provide free menstrual products for every Canadian who needs them
Mandate $10 / day childcare nationally, until a national public service can be created
Act with urgency to exceed Paris Agreement targets prioritizing the environment over oil & gas profits
The Question of Cost
As we know, properly funded social programs cost a lot of money, so we're proposing to fund the increased government spending by dramatically raising taxes on banks, billionaires, and big businesses.
That describes our strategy at a high level, but it's a fair question to ask for more financial details about how we're actually going to pay for it all...